There are 3 main types of mixtures
1)positive mixture
2)negative mixture
3)neutral mixture
1)positive mixture:
Positive mixture is spontaneously formed
mixture. They do not require energy for mixing.
E.g. mixing of miscible liquid and mixing
of miscible gasses. Like alcohol and water.
Positive mixtures are difficult to separate
from each other / segregate.
In positive mixtures de mixing or segregation
requires energy. And positive mixtures are irreversible mixtures. Once form they
never be separated.
2)Negative mixtures:
Negative mixtures are non spontaneously
formed mixtures. They require energy for mixing .
E.g. suspension and emulsion.
In negative mixtures de mixing and segregation
do not require energy. Negative mixtures are reversible mixtures.
3)neutral mixtures:
Neutral mixtures are non spontaneously
formed mixtures. They require energy for mixing.
E.g. ointment , paste etc
Neutral mixtures require energy for de
mixing. Neutral mixtures are irreversible mixtures.
Factors affecting on powdered mixing:
1)particle size
2)particle shape
3)particle density
4)particle charge
5)particle nature
6)volume of powdered to be mixed
1)particle size:
Same size particles are mixed easily as
compare to different size particles. In same size particles rate of segregation
is low. In different size particles rate of segregation is high.
2)particle shape:
Regular shape particles are easily mixed.
Irregular shape particles are difficult to mixed because there is interlocking between
the particles and chances of segregation is increased. Particles become interlocked.
3)particle density:
Same shape but different density particles
are difficult to mix. Select excipient density same to active ingredients.
4)particle charge:
Particles gain charge called electrostatic
charges. Same charges repple each other and different charges attract each other
and make a lumps or aggregates.
5)particle nature:
Crystalline, amorphous,
solid , liquid , semi solid etc. Same nature particles are easily mixed.
So check the physical properties.
6)amount of powdered to be mixed:
Volume effect the mixing. Same volume are
easily mixed . And different volume are difficult to mix so we perform geometrical
mixing. Example in case of potent drugs.
For example: we have 2gm of potent drug
and we have to mixed to 20mg excipient. So
first of all we mix 2gm of drug in 2 gm of excipient and we get 4gm of mixture then
add 4gm of excipient we get 8gm them add 8gm we get 16gm then at last add 6gm to
get the 20gm of mixture.
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There is how many types of mixtures ?
Explain the 3 types of mixtures
What is positive mixture?
What is negative mixture?
What is neutral mixture?
There is how many factors affecting mixing
Factors affecting on powdered mixing
How particle size affect mixing?
How particles shape affect mixing?
How particles density affect mixing?
How particles charge affect mixing?
How particle nature affect mixing?
How volume of powdered affect mixing?
How factors affect mixing?